Ships Blog 10th March 2023

Morning folks and welcome to the Ships Blog. Meteorological winter ended on February 28th, hard to believe in view of the current weather situation. We have been lucky at Shotley with no snow but the wind is currently in the north and bitterly cold. However a respite is in view over the weekend as temperatures recover a little by Sunday and Monday. Strong winds are also forecast for Monday with gusts up to 40 knots from the south west. The yard crew are out again today making sure all the boats are secure,  checking lines and fenders.

A major issue for a lot of boat owners over the last year has been the lack of supply of gas cannisters. It transpires a number of the standard size cannisters will no longer be available and have been withdrawn. More info can be found at

Duty lockmasters this weekend are Colin Byford and Andy Howard. High Water Saturday is 14:06 3.91M and Sunday 14:41 3.82M. Have a good weekend.

Ships Blog 3rd March 2023

Morning and welcome to the Friday Ships Blog. Our lock closure for annual maintenance finished on Tuesday 28th February, a slight delay caused by some supply issues. Cabling and trenchwork at the marina are ongoing although the majority has now been backfilled in the main marina basin. Work at the entrance to the marina is ongoing and the route into the marina will be slightly different from present. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to Contact the Control Tower.

Easter is on Friday 7th April and is relatively early this year. We have already taken bookings for that weekend and others through to the August bank holiday!

The nine new apartments being built at the entrance to the marina will be ready for sale and occupation within approximately four to five weeks time. Sales agents will be appointed shortly.

This weekends lockmaster’s are Rob Devonshire (days) and Andy Howard (night watch). Finally the weather is definitely looking colder next week with the potential for some snow particularly from Tuesday through to Thursday. Stay warm and have a good weekend.

Ships Blog 10th February 2023

Morning all and welcome to the Ships Blog with some updates. All codes and car park pass’s have been sent out to the berth holders who have paid their mooring fees for 2023. Trenching work for the new water main is now in its final stages with the last bits of pipe being laid by the end of this weekend. Backfilling and making good will commence today. Parking is still very restricted through out the marina and we do ask if you can make sure access is left uninterrupted on Monday morning. We have a 40 Tonne crane coming through which is needed for the start of lock closure. After this with more back filling etc things will improve from Tuesday onwards. We apologize for the inconvenience that has been caused. Any questions please do not hesitate to call the Control Tower on 01473 788982.

Have a great weekend!

Ships Blog 27th January 2023

Morning all and welcome to the Friday Ships Blog. Groundwork for the new water main is almost complete and Anglian Water will commence laying the pipe work from Monday 30th January 23. The work should be completed after two weeks, fingers crossed. Lock closure commences in two weeks on Monday Feb 13th.

Weather wise we still seem to be in a period of relative stability and little change. This weekends forecast is for some sunshine on Saturday and a bit more overcast on Sunday. Winds generally light on Saturday but with a bit more breeze on Sunday, force 3 to 4 Westerly. Tides this weekend, Saturday 16:45 3.68m and Sunday 17:39 3.46m. duty lockmasters are Marc Gilbert days and Richard Whitby nights. Have a good weekend.