News Archive

Ships Blog 8/4/2014

Morning all, hot off the Yachting Monthly press: Gravesend Sailing Club, established in 1896, celebrates the opening of a new pontoon on Saturday 3rd May. The club – opposite Tilbury Fort on the River Thames is a useful stopping off point for cruising yachts visiting St Katharine’s Dock hard by the Tower of London. From … Continue reading “Ships Blog 8/4/2014”

Ships Blog 2/4/2014

Welcome to the midweek Ships Blog. Bright hazy sunshine after quite an overcast start. This pattern seems to be staying pretty much the same  for the next few days with winds from the East going round to the South West over the weekend. Also there will be a little more wind as well in the … Continue reading “Ships Blog 2/4/2014”

Ships Blog 1/4/2014

Morning and welcome to Tuesdays’s Ships Blog. Beautiful day today with bright sunshine and the temperature already climbing the thermometer. The sunshine continues for tomorrow but not much wind about for the whole of the week, no good if you want to sail but great for the fishing boats and motor boaters! We are still … Continue reading “Ships Blog 1/4/2014”

Ships Blog 31/3/2014

Morning and welcome to Monday mornings Ships Blog. Still as a mill pond in the harbour this morning. Forecast for today and the week looking very settled with relatively little wind. Some sunshine tomorrow but remaining cloudy otherwise. We had a few visitors over the weekend and plenty of berth holders down working on their … Continue reading “Ships Blog 31/3/2014”

Ships Blog 28/3/2014

Morning and welcome to Friday’s Ships Blog. Frosty and foggy start to this morning. The wind has picked up and the sun has broken through clearing the fog. Wind in the East so still feeling cool. Its forecast to stay in the east over the weekend but the sun is going to shine especially during … Continue reading “Ships Blog 28/3/2014”

Ships Blog 27/3/2014

Morning all and todays nautical phrase is familiar to most of you, perhaps?: Grog –  In 1740, British Vice Admiral Edward Vernon (whose nickname was Old Grogram for the coat of Grogram he wore) ordered that the sailors’ daily ration of rum be diluted with water. The men called the mixture grog. A sailor who drank too much grog was … Continue reading “Ships Blog 27/3/2014”

Ships Blog 26/3/2014

Morning and welcome to the Ships Blog. Below is today’s nautical phrase. Scuttlebutt: a cask of drinking water aboard a ship. A “butt” being the wooden cask and “scuttle” being the act of drilling a hole in the butt (tapping the butt). Sailors would often gossip while they drank by the scuttlebutt. This has since … Continue reading “Ships Blog 26/3/2014”

Ships Blog 24/3/2014

Afternoon and welcome to Monday’s Ships Blog. A cool but very bright day in the harbour with plenty of sunshine. Forecast looks good for tomorrow as well  with more sunshine and looks generally fair for the rest of the week. Here is today’s Inshore Waters Forecast: Gibraltar Point to North Foreland For coastal areas up … Continue reading “Ships Blog 24/3/2014”

Ships Blog 21/3/2014

Morning and welcome to Friday’s Ships Blog. The sun is shining and there is nice force 4 breeze in the harbour. Forecast looking good for the weekend although a little cooler than of late. Still it should still be good for getting down to the marina and getting some work done on your boat. Boat … Continue reading “Ships Blog 21/3/2014”

Ships Blog 20/3/14

The Vernal Equinox ‘Ah, spring! This season brings increasing daylight, warming temperatures, and the rebirth of flora and fauna. The word equinox is derived from the Latin words meaning “equal night.” Days and nights are approximately equal everywhere and the Sun rises and sets due east and west. At the equinoxes, the tilt of Earth relative to … Continue reading “Ships Blog 20/3/14”

Ships Blog 19/3/2014

Morning and welcome to today’s Ships Blog. Bit overcast today in the harbour but should be brighter tomorrow with more sunshine. However there is a bit of wind on the way for the next few days. Here is today’s met office forecast: Shipping Forecast – Issued: 1030 UTC Wed 19 Mar**- Wind Southwest 5 to 7. Sea State Moderate … Continue reading “Ships Blog 19/3/2014”

Ships Blog 5/3/2014

Morning all and welcome to a cracking morning here in the harbour and the marina. Bright sunshine and mirror calm first thing this morning. Today’s Inshore forecast and Shipping Forecast for your perusal: Gibraltar Point to North Foreland 24 hour forecast: Westerly 3, backing southerly or southwesterly 4 or 5 later. Smooth or slight. Fair. Moderate … Continue reading “Ships Blog 5/3/2014”