Morning everyone and welcome to Fridays Ships blog. Ok, so we are now experiencing our second heat wave particularly inland from the coast with temperatures heading into the thirties. Here at Shotley things are a little cooler with temperatures forecast generally around the mid to late twenties, still plenty warm enough for everyone! The sea breeze has been filling in most days. Please be careful in the heat. Stay hydrated and keep in the shade where you can. The heatwave is forecast to start easing after Sunday with more changeable conditions next week. Tides for the weekend are Saturday HW 13:31 4.09M and Sunday HW 14:14 4.17M. We are in the middle of spring tides. However next weekend – 20th and 21st August we need to advise everyone that we will experience an exceptionally low set of neap tides which may mean a significant drop in the level of the marina water level. The lockmasters are on standby to manage this by tightly controlling the lock transit process. They will slow down the lock times to ensure that each time the lock is used the maximum number of boats are put through per transit to ensure the minimum loss of water. Please be patient with our duty lockmasters during this period. The weekends duty lockmasters are Colin Byford (days) and Marc Gilbert (nights).
Ships Blog 12th August 2022