Morning all and welcome to a bright, sunny but chilly Harwich Harbour. Current weather forecast a bit up and down at the moment. It seems to see saw between relatively mild to short cold snaps! We have a change of plan for lock closure in 2018, we are reverting to a two week closure, 22nd January to February 2nd. We have some more work to do before we can fully refurbish the inner gates and the hinges. The major work is now planned for Jan/Feb 2019. Other news, Anglian Water are carrying out some work on Bristol Hill over the next few weeks which will mean traffic control on the hill while they do the work. Building work continues apace with the new apartments at the Shotley Lodge site. Finally the winter layup forms are coming in thick and fast so if you have not done so already can you make sure we have yours asap if you want to book a lift out for the winter.
Ships Blog 17th November 2017