Morning all and welcome to Tuesday’s Ships Blog. Weather quite windy, the breeze is blowing around 20 to 25 knots from the South at the moment. Looking further out there does not seem to be any big freeze approaching at the moment. Over the next couple of days the wind will move round to the east bringing colder air from the continent but by the weekend it swings back towards the south and west. Preparations continue afoot for lock closure next week. The lock will close at 0700 Monday the 3rd to allow divers to enter the water clearing the sill and guides for the Stop Logs. The logs are then craned in and the lock pumped out over night ready for the work party’s to start the next day. The lock is then scheduled to re-open on Friday 14th February. In the yard Andy and Craig have brought ashore ‘St Christopher’ a Southerly and ‘Much the Millar’ for the winter. Won’t be long before they all go back in again!
Ships Blog 28/1/2014