September already, what happened to August? A bit dull and overcast at the moment, wind in the north force 2/3 and the temperature is in the teens so feeling a little Autumnal. Forecast for tomorrow is for some sunshine but the temperatures here on the coast are not forecast to go much higher. Inland may be a different story. Last Friday members of the Shotley Point Yacht club held a successful get together where Stuart Carruther and Gus Lewis from the Royal Yachting Association gave a talk on current issues affecting boaters around the UK. Topics covered included Red Diesel, Windfarms and E borders with plenty of topical questions from the audience! The Yacht Club kindly opened up the talk to all the berth holders from the marina and around sixty people attended with a buffet provided by the marina. Today’s pictures include dawn over the river Orwell and one of our larger berth holders ‘Harmony’ manoeuvring in front of the crane quay prior to being lifted out of the water.
Ships Blog 2nd September