New Year News Letter

Welcome to our first news letter of  2015. The meteorological winter will end on February 28th  and what a different one it has been. Ok so there was no snow on Christmas day but it has been very much standard fare so far with a series of depressions running across the Atlantic, one after the other before hitting the UK. Our main concern here at the marina has been to track these and see if they end up crossing into the north sea and coinciding with a spring tide. It is at this time that the East Coast is most vulnerable to tidal surges. Fortunately so far this year and last year we have been lucky and have not had any significant tidal surges.

Lock Closure

Scheduled this year from the 2nd of February to the 13th. Most of it is routine maintenance ‘down the hole’. However one of the large sector gate rams is due for refurbishment so that will have to be de-pinned and then craned out before onward transport to a specialist local engineering firm who dismantle it and then check it over before renewing the seals etc. We are also planning on having a new lock control system installed. The old PLC or pro logic controller is now approaching thirty years old and the program or software is no longer supported. Along with a new PLC unit a new control desk will be installed with a modern diagnostics system and touch screen. The new unit along with all the wiring etc will be moved upward to provide protection for the system from future tidal surges.

PilesPile Extensions

As another part of our ongoing flood/tidal surge protection work we have completed the extension of all the piles in the marina. They have all been extended by 1.5m and will protect all our berth holder’s boats from any future tidal surge threats. The piles supporting the outside waiting pontoon are also inthe process of being extended to save this from floating away during a storm surge!

Rock Armour/Sea Wall Protection

During September we carried out some maintenance to the seaward bank of the marina. The work was primarily to provide protection from any further erosion of the seaward side. This erosion occurs usually at its highest rate during the winter storms. Eight hundred tonnes of 300/500 granite were place along the sea wall. The work was carried out under the supervision of the marina and was planned/surveyed by Andrew Hawes of Hawes Associates. The actual placement of the rock was carried out by a local firm that specialise in this type of task called ‘Whitnalls’.


The main ablution block in the marina basin has now been closed for refurbishment. The block will remain closed for approximately four to six weeks. Principally the work will centre on the replacement of the flooring in the ladies and men’s shower cubicles with rigid tiles as opposed to the current thick vinyl flooring layer.

Shipwreck Closing Times

This year the Shipwreck pub and restaurant will close for its annual deep clean and refurbishment on the 26th January for twelve days. It will reopens on Friday 6th. If you have any booking queries etc then please do not hesitate to call the Control Tower on 01473 788982.

CsCl Globe

Finally a much anticipated arrival took place on the 7th Janaury with Cscl Globe berthing on Trinity 8 and 9. She is 400m long and has a draught of 15.7m. She can carry up to 19000 containers!

Ships Blog and MND

As some of you know Ships Blog is a keen cyclist and last year raised some money for charity completing a 100 mile ride in the Autumn. This year he hopes to raise money for Motor Neurone Disease or more specifically the MND association. This time the challenge is to ride from London to Paris over four days. Sponsorship forms will be in the Control Tower and donations can be made on line at Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated!

Geraint Pugh – PHAB Kids and the London Marathon

In a similar vein one of our berth holders from the marina, Geraint Pugh is running the London Marathon to raise money for the PHAB charity, (Physically Handicapped and Able Bodied Kids. If you would like to donate then it can be done online at Geraint will also be holding various events to help raise money in the area. One in particular is a Quiz Night at the Shipwreck on the 21st of February. The quiz is open to all comers including any berth holders from the marina who want to help support a fellow yachtsman.

Active Marina Program

Finally as usual we will be holding a number of events this year including some tuition, cruise in company and a summer BBQ. This will be a 25th Anniversary event which we celebrate along with the Shotley Point Yacht Club as well as all the berth holders. We will be writing to you in due course with the details and booking forms.

Good luck for your fitting out and the season.