Morning all – afraid a very poor outlook today here from the Control Tower. Prospects for the weekend looking very grim with plenty of wind about Friday and Saturday. There will be some rain about today, tomorrow and Saturday! The wind direction is predominantly from the south so a little warmer than of late. Going forward there is a cold snap forecast from mid February onwards so don’t put the thermals away just yet! The yard crew and lockmasters will be keeping an eye on the boats to make sure they are safe during the windy weather. Here at the marina lock closure was completed on the 27th January along with our five week dredging campaign. Alot of mud/silt was cleared from berths and fairways B to D. However as expected there was little mud deposition evident in the D/E fairway or berths and subsequently beyond them. We will shortly be carrying out an electronic survey of the marina with a new side scanner that we have recently aquired. This will help us to check what the dredge crew have managed to remove and to provide a base line for our next dredging campaign.